The Thinking Behind #edtech Innovation

What Is The Thinking Behind The #edtech Innovation?

Innovation in education is hard. It is hard because the what must stay relevant in an ever-changing world. It is hard because the how and the when directly affect the value of the what. And it is hard because education instances range widely from informal day-to-day interactions with the environment to complex activities, conventionally associated with what we call ‘formal education.’

Based on the understanding that the underlying technology is a key, inseparable component of the education process, the following presentation introduces a new worldview (an explanatory model) that helps those involved in education and educational technology get a clearer, more comprehensive view of how things work and what is ultimately meaningful and valuable.

The presentation is structured in four sections. It begins with the identification of the major challenges and trends in the education space. The second section is dedicated to illustrating the rationale behind the model. The third section reveals some of the major insights that emerge from the new worldview. And, finally, the presentation ends with a few thoughts for the ed-tech provider.

Unlocking Innovation in Education through Meaningful Technology (A General Model for Ed-Tech) from cmitreanuPDF version

This is a guest-post by Cristian Mitreanu. Cristian is an entrepreneur, researcher, and advisor. He is the creator of Ofmos, a casual video game that will change the way we learn business ( Follow him on Twitter @Spointra.