Infographic: Is Social Media Hurting Productivity In Learning?

Infographic: Is Social Media Hurting Productivity In Learning?

Infographic: Is Social Media Hurting Productivity In Learning? So, you’ve just finished a task or an assignment and figure you deserve a little mental break. Why not check Facebook or Twitter? It will only take you five minutes, right? Wrong. As American students and workers spend more time on the Internet and on social media…

8 Ways Educators Can Foster Passion-Based Learning

When you think of passion for learning, you might conjure up an image of Albert Einstein. Einstein was regarded as the greatest intellectual mind of our time. Einstein did not conform to a mold. He was passionate. He thought outside the box. When he was studying at Zurich Polytechnic he had trouble landing a job…

What Does An Ideal Learning Environment Look Like?

“What Does an Ideal Learning Environment Look Like?” by Adrienne Albregts first appeared on the CompassLearning Navigator and How would you describe the perfect learning environment? Yes, I realize the question is open-ended, and after launching Compass Learning’s  Ideal Learning Environment Video Contest, it’s evident that plenty of people have very specific thoughts regarding their education. We received…

You Probably Misunderstand Feedback For Learning

Misunderstanding Feedback For Learning By Grant Wiggins Editor’s Note: The title was written by me, not Grant. ; ^ ) Who could argue with the idea that formative assessment is a good thing? Both common sense and the research make clear that more feedback and opportunities to use it enhances performance and achievement [(See Pollock…

A Visual Exploration Of Why Play Is Necessary For Learning

We make lasting connections through play, but the role of play in learning is an idea that continues to meet resistance. Part of the reason could be tone. We like our learning serious, intentional, and academic. This is reflected through a parallel insistence on an outcomes-based learning system where learning objectives are determined and assessments…

A Case Study In Gamification, by Peter Ross

Gamification is a trend that has gained momentum in industries from business to education. Often confused with game-based learning, gamification is simply the application of ‘game-like components’–also called ‘encouragement mechanics’–to a non-game entity. Offering a credit card color based on spending limits, or virtual badges for checking-in via social media, are both examples of gamification….

8 Trends, 8 Opportunities, And 8 Concerns About Blended Learning

“8 Trends, 8 Opportunities, And 8 Concerns About Blended Learning” by Tom Vander Ark originally appeared on  The directors of the International Association for K-12 Online Learning are an amazing group of system heads, school operators, philanthropists, and advocates. On Sunday we spent an hour discussing trends, opportunities and areas of concern for the rapidly world…

What Are The Ingredients For Self-Directed Learning?

New Marlborough, Mass What are the ingredients for self-directed learning? Technology? “Grade-level” reading? Peer-to-peer collaboration? Project-Based Learning? A Montessori approach? What if it was simpler? What if it was just a matter of getting out of the students way? I’ve always found this a fascinating concept. As a classroom teacher, one (of many) important epiphanies…

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