10 Benefits Of Inquiry-Based Learning

Among the benefits of inquiry-based learning, requiring the student to take an active role in the process may be the most significant.

10 Benefits Of Inquiry-Based Learning

10 Benefits Of Inquiry-Based Learning

by TeachThought Staff

Inquiry-based learning is a term that educators and parents alike hear bandied about without a clear sense of exactly what it is, why it’s effective, how it works, and what its benefits are.

For now, let’s define inquiry-based learning simply as an open-ended approach to learning guided by students through questions, research, and/or curiosity.

Sketch-noter Sylvia Duckworth took Trevor MacKenzie’s ideas on the benefits of inquiry-based learning and put together the image above. We’ve linked to a few of our resources on some of the highlights below for extended learning and reflection.

See also The Benefits Of Having A College Degree

What benefits of inquiry-based learning do you see in your classroom?

10 Benefits Of Inquiry-Based Learning

1. Inquiry-based learning can nurture student interests, passions, and talents

See 25 Ways to Promote Passion-Based Learning In Your Classroom

2. It can empower student voice and honor student choice

See 4 Principles Of Student-Centered Learning

3. It can increase motivation and engagement

See 27 Ways to Promote Intrinsic Motivation In The Classroom

4. It can foster curiosity and a love of learning

See 4 Stages of Curiosity

5. It can teach grit, perseverance, growth mindset, and self-regulation

See 4 Strategies to Promote Smarter Grit

6. It can develop formal and informal research skills

See 8 Reasons Why Students Should Still Write Research Papers

7. Inquiry-based learning can deepen understanding beyond the content

See 6 Tips & 18 Resources To Extend Learning Beyond The Classroom

8. It can fortify the importance of asking good questions

See 7 Strategies To Help Students Ask Great Questions

9. It requires students to take an active role in the learning process

See 60 Ways to Help Students Think For Themselves

10. Inquiry can help to solve the problems of tomorrow in the classrooms of today

See 12 Principles for Modern Learning

10 Benefits Of Inquiry-Based Learning; 10 Reasons To Use Inquiry-Based Learning