10 Resources For Building A Classroom Library On A Budget

10 Resources For Building A Classroom Library On A Budget by TeachThought Staff Creating a classroom library is easier than ever with the availability of eBook readers, apps, and other digital means (including copyright-free fare from sources like Project Gutenburg.) But technology is absolutely necessary–nor is it superior. Having direct access at arm’s reach to…

reading-child10 Resources For Building A Classroom Library On A Budget

by TeachThought Staff

Creating a classroom library is easier than ever with the availability of eBook readers, apps, and other digital means (including copyright-free fare from sources like Project Gutenburg.)

But technology is absolutely necessary–nor is it superior. Having direct access at arm’s reach to a diverse selection of reading material is as important to a high school literature classroom as it is the elementary room full of emerging readers. Out of sight, out of mind.

The following graphic from Kimberly Tyson at learningunlimited offers seven tips for not only getting started creating a library, but doing so on a budget. Half-Price books is a great choice, especially for high-interest books for hesitant readers. They often provide an educator’s discount as well.

Couple a grant with a trip to Half-Price, and follow it all up with a community drive that solicits donated books, and you should be well on your way to a nice collection. Just make sure you have a policy in place for students to check books out, replace lost or damaged books, etc. We added 3 ideas to her list for a nice, even 10.

10 Resources For Building A Classroom Library On A Budget

1. Warehouse Sales

2. Goodwill

3. Library Sales

4. School or District Grants

5. Half-Price Books

6. Books Points

7. eBay

8. Community Book Drive

9. Corporate Sponsorship

10. Student-Published Books

how-to-build-library-on-a-budget10 Resources For Building A Classroom Library On A Budget