Sponsored Content

Though we’ve created sponsored graphics, social shares, and resource complications, ‘sponsored content’ usually means a post that is contributed to TeachThought by an outside company looking to gain visibility for a product by providing something teachers might read and benefit from (e.g., a post) rather than an ad/display unit.

You can find an example of a sponsored post here.

Though we are pitched a lot of sponsored content at TeachThought, only small percentage of it qualifies for publication. Our general rule is that if it isn’t useful to educators or compelling in terms of innovation and pushing the conversation of progressive learning forward, we won’t publish it.

Affiliate Links

External links on our website may be affiliate links that could result in us receiving compensation (payment) when you traverse the link. For example, we may receive pay per click revenue or commission on sales of products. This varies from link to link–the vast majority of links provide us with no compensation, and any compensation we might receive is low (e.g., usually 6% or less). This helps us to, among other things, cover the cost of content production, server cost, and other related costs.

Regardless of affiliate links, we try very hard not to share products or services to you that won’t help you as an educator in some way, shape, or form. We turn down dozens of posts, ad campaigns, and other for-cost content every year due to a lack of alignment between said content, and what we perceive your needs as a progressive educator to be.


Any content that we have had something of value given to us in exchange for publishing will be clearly marked, as will any affiliate content. You can read more about the FTC’s policies, requirements, and suggestions for published digital and social media here.

If you’re interested in a product, but want to make sure we don’t receive any commission, just search for the product directly without clicking the link, either on your favorite online retailer, from Google, or at a local bookstore you’d prefer to support.