50 Of The Best Science Podcasts In 2020

  50 Of The Best Science Podcasts In 2020: Updated by TeachThought Staff In 2020, there is a wealth of content out there that’s both educational and entertaining, including some pretty amazing shows on scientific topics that are equally interesting to the layman and the professional. Whether you’re just getting into listening to science podcasts…


50 Of The Best Science Podcasts In 2020: Updated

by TeachThought Staff

In 2020, there is a wealth of content out there that’s both educational and entertaining, including some pretty amazing shows on scientific topics that are equally interesting to the layman and the professional. Whether you’re just getting into listening to science podcasts or are looking for a few new shows to add to your weekly collection, we’ve highlighted what we think are some of the best science podcasts out there right now.

They’re informative, compelling, and even, at times, pretty darn funny, so make sure to check out one, two, or even all of these great science programs the next time you’re looking for a little edutainment.

50 Of The Best Science Podcasts In 2020: Updated


What sets it apart from other shows is the often-experimental audio, which uses overlapping audio and other effects to create a unique and engaging show.

Star Talk

Fans of astrophysicist and Nova Science Now host Neil deGrasse Tyson can get access to the popular academic a couple of times a month. Discussions center on astrophysics, but guests are most often actors and comedians.


Brains On! Science Podcast For Kids

American Innovations

Science vs


This Podcast Will Kill You

Making Sense With Sam Harris

Short Wave

What If, Discussed

Astronomy Cast

Joe Rogan Show

Intelligence Squared

Chemistry In Its Element

Third Pod From The Sun

Sean Carroll’s Mindscape

All Creatures Podcast

Probably Science

If you’re looking for a comedic take on science, Probably Science is another good option. Matt Kirshen, Brooks Wheelan, and Andy Wood take on the week’s top science stories, with results that are both hilarious and interesting.

Science Friday

Science Friday is part of NPR’s Talk of the Nation programming block, but you can listen to it separately if you’d prefer to forego the rest of the news to focus on science (plus, at almost two hours long, it is show enough in itself). Host Ira Flatow uses the platform to talk about a handful of science news items from the past week. It’s more serious than some of the previous podcasts we’ve mentioned, but more informative as well.

The Infinite Monkey Cage

BBC-based podcast The Infinite Monkey Cage features Brian Vox and Robin Ince who combine typical British comedy with geeky discussions of science topics.

60-Second Science

60-Second Science is perfect for those who don’t have the time or the attention span for a longer podcast. The show, produced by Scientific American, touches on a news story from that day, and true to its name, it’s only a minute long.

Big Picture Science

The SETI Institute’s Seth Shostak and Molly Bently pun, talk, and debate their way through this popular podcast, which covers topics like technological innovation, robotics, and, of course, extraterrestrial life.

The Naked Scientists

British podcast The Naked Scientists is part of a series that also features a range of other “naked” topics. There are no actual naked scientists (not that you’d be able to see them over a podcast anyway), but the show’s name draws from the idea of stripping down science to its core ideas, which makes the discussions easy to understand, fun, and highly accessible.

On Science

NPR offers science geeks another listening option through this weekly podcast, which is a great place to hear in-depth reports on a wide range of science issues.

The Science Show

This weekly, one-hour show is hosted by Robyn Williams who explores current events in science through discussions with experts and scientists. Topics have ranged from elephants to earthquakes to cosmic diamonds, meaning there will be something to interest just about every science geek out there.

Quirks & Quarks

Listeners can get a chance to hear from the scientists behind the latest discoveries in the physical and natural sciences in this weekly podcast, hosted by Canadian science journalist Bob McDonald.

Nature Podcast

Those who can’t get enough of news and stories from the natural world really shouldn’t miss out on this excellent weekly podcast from Nature. Listeners will get to hear stories on everything from the latest revelations about DNA to rhino conservation efforts.

The Skeptics’ Guide to the Universe

There’s a lot of pseudoscience out there, and this podcast takes it on headfirst. Skeptical science nerds will appreciate hearing the real science behind common misconceptions, as well as news on some oddball topics.

Science in Action

Those who like their science to have a British accent will appreciate this BBC-produced show. Weekly episodes focus on particularly interesting news stories related to science, which in recent months have included topics like cancer genes, volcano predictions, and the birthday of the neutron.

All in the Mind

Lynn Malcolm hosts this excellent (and award-winning) show that is entirely centered on stories about the human brain, touching on fields like psychology, neurology, and more.

MicrobeWorld Meet the Scientist

Through this podcast, listeners can learn about the work of the leading professionals in the field of microbiology. While stories are field-specific, they almost always have a broad appeal, touching on issues that affect us all.

Material World

Science journalist Quentin Cooper hosts this weekly BBC Radio program that covers an incredibly wide range of scientific topics.

In Our Time

Through this podcast, you can learn a bit more about the history of scientific thought, as well as history, religion, and culture.

AMNH Podcast

The American Museum of Natural History hosts a monthly podcast series. Past guests have included Neil deGrasse Tyson, conservation expert Chris Filardi, and theoretical physicist Dr. S. James Gates Jr.

Scientific American Science Talk

If you’d like more than just 60 seconds of science discussion, then Scientific American has that covered as well. Hosted by Steve Mirsky, the show touches on the top breakthroughs and controversial issues in science and technology each week.

Slacker Astronomy

Slacker Astronomy is the perfect place to find interesting stories, interviews, and discussions on a wide range of astronomical topics.


Need a weekly fix of NASA-related news and research? Then start listening to NASA’s own podcast, focused on sharing the latest space exploration and astronomy research.

Groks Science

Produced in Baton Rouge, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Tokyo, this weekly show is hosted by a rotating group of scientists who take an in-depth look at some of the most interesting recent events in the world of science. While there are serious interviews, there is also humor and a chance to ask a question each week.


Exploration features interviews with scientists who are on the cutting edge of research and development, whether in space travel, biotech, neuroscience, or a whole host of other topics.

Diffusion Science Radio

Diffusion Science Radio blends science news, humor, history, and more to give listeners a well-rounded and entertaining look into recent scientific discoveries.

A Moment of Science

With this podcast, you can either listen to or watch a weekly show that explores some of science’s most perplexing mysteries, like how bugs survive harsh winters or why inland lakes aren’t salty.

Astronomy Cast

As its name might lead you to guess, this podcast focuses on all things astronomy. Listeners will get a weekly dose of the show, with topics that change from episode to episode.

Science Weekly

Science and environment correspondent for The Guardian Alok Jha also hosts this weekly podcast series. Discussions with guests, often leading researchers in their fields, help illuminate topics like creativity, the relationship between science and government, and even sleep.

Stuff You Should Know

How Stuff Works explains, well, exactly that in this weekly podcast that takes on everything from moss to storm chasers.

The Engines of Our Ingenuity

Learn more about the history of technological progress in this great podcast that highlights some of history’s biggest successes and biggest failures alike.

This Week in Virology

Who wouldn’t want to know more about viruses, those pesky little things that can make you feel sick or even take your life? Through this podcast, you’ll hear a number of professors from Columbia University’s Medical center take on a range of microbiological, public health, genetics, and virology topics.

Focus Podcast

Focus magazine provides listeners with interviews and stories on the latest science and technology issues through this podcast.

Ockham’s Razor

Australian journalist Robyn Williams also hosts this science-focused show. Much of the content focuses on the ways in which science has an effect on our daily lives, from weather to trauma to environmentalism.

NOVA Podcast

Even if you can’t get in front of your TV, you can still get access to the great stories offered up by NOVA. Simply check out their podcast, which is chock full of interesting, but brief, stories on science.


This award-winning podcast from the Chemical Heritage Foundation is one of the best places to learn about the past, present, and future of chemistry. It isn’t all just lab work, however, as host Meir Rinde touches on issues of chemistry related to everything from baby formula to asbestos.

This Is Only A Test

Fans of Mythbusters Jaime and Adam can get an extra dose of the duo (and a couple of other science geeks, Will and Norm) through their weekly podcast.

The Sounds of Science

The National Academies (including science, engineering, and medicine) put out this research-focused podcast, though fairly irregularly. It covers a wealth of science topics and is largely a more accessible way of getting information found in the Academy’s reports.

Bytesize Science

These podcasts are super short but they touch on some really amazing cutting-edge projects in science. Produced by the American Chemical Society, the majority are, naturally, in some way related to chemistry.

Brain Science

Dr. Sebastian Seung hosts this show, which as you can guess, is all about the brain. Episodes feature interviews and reviews of new research and cover the full scope of brain sciences.

This was a cross-post from onlinedegrees.org