3 Ways Technology Has Changed The Modern Workplace

Let’s take a quick look at some of the ways in which technology has changed the workplace, mostly for the better.

3 Ways Technology Has Changed The Modern Workplace

How Has Technology Changed The Modern Workplace?

Contributed by Nathan Bachman

Not too long ago, workplaces were, frankly,  mess.

There was lots of paperwork to be dealt with, meetings had to take place in congested rooms with every needed to be physically present there, management had to rely on memos to get something across to the employees, heavy expenses had to be incurred to reach out to the clients, and communication across different hierarchical levels was pretty rare. However, all these operational and communication matters have now been greatly simplified and very much streamlined through the help of massive technological advancements that have taken place over the last decade or so. The influx of new technologies has dramatically reshaped workplaces, which in turn has facilitated businesses in running their affairs more smoothly and performing better than ever.

Let’s take a quick look at some of the ways in which technology has changed the workplace, mostly for the better.

A More Productive Environment

Businesses couldn’t possibly have survived in the fast-paced world without adding swiftness into their own operations as well. They were facilitated in this regard by technological advancements such as high-speed internet, smartphones and tablets, cloud storage, and so much more. Access to such technologies has helped them in optimizing time management and working on the go, which in turn has enabled them to get things done faster and perhaps with greater precision. Accountability has also increased as employers and managers have access to enterprise solutions such as Mobistealth text spy app, which have introduced unprecedented convenience into supervising workplace activities and communications. Access to such solutions is also proving immensely helpful in discouraging workplace distractions, especially the abuse of internet and mobile privileges, thus keeping employees focused on work and raising their productivity.

New & Improved Communication Options

The advent of emails had revolutionized business communications back in the day, but with the arrival of smartphones, VoiP services like Skype, social networking websites, chat apps, and cloud technology, communication has reached a whole new level. Emails are being exchanged on the go, meetings are being held through video conferencing, clients are being reached and updated on latest products, services, and offers within seconds, and documents are being shared from anywhere and at any time. Distances have become completely irrelevant, while collaboration among co-workers have improved massively. Of course, better communication with increased level of flexibility is also aiding business leaders in staying in close touch with their most invaluable resource, i.e. their employees, and therefore being able to manage them better.

Altered Risk of Security Breaches

Previously, businesses had a hard time staying on top of the food chain because they were extremely vulnerable to threats like corporate espionage. However, in the modern day and age, proper security channels have been implemented in almost every single organization, allowing critical information to be stay safe. It has also gotten easier to keep check on employees’ digital activities and communications to ensure they don’t engage in practices harmful to the interests of the business.

Knowing that they are always being watched, employees also try to play it safe, and even if a competitor does approach them and offer a tempting incentive to turn on their current employer, they don’t do it because they know that the likelihood of them getting caught is pretty high. Stealing critical information might have been easy thing to do back in the day, but now there are prying eyes all over the place, the threat of data leaks have been substantially mitigated.

adapted image attribution flickr user vancouverfilmschool

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