where to find free books online

33 Sources Of Hundreds Of Thousands Of Free eBooks

Where Can You Find Free Books Online? eBooks should’ve been a game-changing technology. The idea was simple enough: no longer did you need to travel to the library to wade through rows and stacks and floors and buildings and card catalogs only to wag home only as much as you could carry. Or risk spending…

200 ways to say went

Improving Student Vocabulary: 600 Other Ways To Say Common Things

Improve Student Vocabulary: 600 Other Ways to Say Common Things Your students are bright, but they don’t always sound like it. Their writing is full of cliche and emaciated language that doesn’t reflect their inner voice, nor does it indicate their vocabulary level. You want your students to use specific language that demonstrates the intended…

When Teaching Gets In The Way Of Reading Comprehension

When Teaching Gets In The Way Of Reading Comprehension by Grant Wiggins, Ph.D, Authentic Education Readers of the blog no doubt know that the title of this post refers to the general discussions taking place nationally around the ELA Common Core Standards – especially, in light of the firm words from David Coleman himself about what close reading does…

4 New Punctuation Marks For The 21st Century

4 New Punctuation Marks For The 21st Century

I think we can all agree that the tone of digital communication is decidedly different than that which occurs face to face. (At TeachThought, we’re unfortunately huge fans of the sarcastic and the sardonic.) While this shift in tone could be further proof of the internet’s complete dissolution of decent human interaction, that’s probably a…

9 Writing Prompts You Can Use In Class Tomorrow

9 Writing Prompts You Can Use In Class Tomorrow

A List Of Writing Prompts To Use In Any Class Tomorrow Math Defend or critique: Statistics lie. Answer: How does math support critical thinking? Respond: “The essence of mathematics is its freedom.” (G. Cantor) Science Defend or critique: Science has limits. Answer: What is most important about a scientific model? Respond: “Nothing in life is…

What Is Google Course Builder?

How To Google Search By Reading Level

Guide: How To Google Search By Reading Level by TeachThought Staff Update: This feature has been (either temporarily or permanently) removed by Google. We will update this post if that changes. In the meantime, check out How To Google Search by Date for smarter search results. Digital media have changed almost everything about reading—from multimodal…

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