How Important Is Digital Signage?

A benefit of digital signage in education is how quickly you can change and share important information with students and parents.

Digital Signage As A Tool For In-School Communications

published by TeachThought Staff

With the emerging digital culture, educational institutions continue to be persuaded to embracing digital signage.

However, why is this change taking over? There is a need to keep in touch with a population increasingly hard to reach using traditional methods. Using digital signage across the education sector has become quite popular and now ranks among the top fastest-growing markets implementing digital signage networks. Understandably, the digital generation is bombarded with digital information making it crucial for educational institutions to use digital signage to avoid getting left behind. 

Without such solutions, like Look Digital Signage, it becomes a massive challenge to compete in the communication stakes. Most institutions end up facing the possibility of losing touch with an evolving audience. Educational institutions need to embrace digital signage to become a modern stimulating environment for learning, working and reaching the wider community. 

Notably, the education sector has become quite competitive and lacking digital signage means any institution is bound to struggle to meet the informational needs of a varying audience. With a digital signage network, it is easier to enhance the image of any institution. The following are some notable benefits and opportunities educational institutions such as schools, colleges and universities stand to gain from digital signage:

Adapting and changing content anytime from anywhere

One of the significant benefits of digital signage to the education sector is how quickly you can change a playlist, drop a slide-in or add a new photo. It allows planning strategically against the curriculum and daily learning objectives and will enable you to change the content when there is a need. For instance, if you have a big open day coming up, your digital signage solutions allow you to switch screens to only the highlights with a few clicks. 

It is also a massive addition when it comes to real-time safety. In case of an emergency, staff can communicate quickly to all areas within the institution. While the network can be used for everyday regular communications, it can be a valuable tool for spreading safety information within the shortest time possible. 

Improved learning experience 

Children and students know a great deal of technological interaction. Introducing digital signage into the institution only serves to enthuse them in a classroom or lecture theatre setting. Incorporating visuals into the teaching is much more appealing than if students were only confined to textbooks. What’s more, the digital signage network you choose to use doesn’t have to be complex. You only need a screen, media player and protection of the display, and you are good to go. 

It makes wayfinding more comfortable across the institution 

No matter how a school is laid out, it will always be easier to navigate it as long as there are digital signs. For instance, universities stand to gain a lot since, with customizable signs, students and faculty can get information on the location of classrooms and departments. Likewise, by setting up screens in hallways, the school administration can direct passersby to offices and meeting rooms that have been relocated. It becomes more comfortable for everyone to move around the institution without asking for directions all the time. 

It is cost-effective

Using a digital signage network means you get to save in terms of paper, printing and distribution. Besides that, institutions can drive sales for school events and raise a significant amount of money. An increase in awareness of school events means digital signage can boost ticket sales for sporting and charity events. Reaching many people associated with the school is a massive boost when trying to raise funds. 


Digital signage is a recent trend, especially in the education sector, meaning many institutions are yet to adopt it. If you implement digital signage to the fullest on your campus, you will be among the first people to do so, making it easier for parents and students to recognize your school or college. Furthermore, when you use digital signboards to greet parents during admission, it creates a lasting impression of the institution. If you want to gain a reputation, you can also showcase student achievements and accolades. It is attractive and shows the transparency of the institution, especially in terms of performance. 

Showing students recognitions please parents while also motivating current students to work harder in their studies. It boosts their self-esteem and morale. 

There are several benefits that education institutions can gain from digital signage and the above are just but a few of them.

Above all, you should know that digital displays will always be appealing than traditional static displays, making messages more impactful. With digital signage, every educational institution gets to close the in-school communication gap that may exist and engages the students fully in the learning process. Remember, today’s schools and colleges are full of tech-savvy students and teachers, making it necessary to implement digital signage as the perfect choice for communication.