Why What Students Don’t Know Is More Important Than What They Do

What Students Don’t Know Is More Important Than What They Do by Terry Heick For me, my biggest takeaway from college was learning what I didn’t know. So many passionate, crazy-smart people–teachers and students–that modeled for me learning as I hadn’t seen it before. Entire courses on single ideas I wouldn’t have given a second…

Establishing A Growth Mindset As A Teacher: 9 Statements Of Affirmation

Establishing A Growth Mindset As A Teacher: 9 Statements Of Affirmation

9 Statements Of Affirmation To Help Establish A Growth Mindset by Terry Heick The ability to change is among the least-appreciated professional characteristics of a teacher. This is especially true as education systems react to both external pressure, and internal instinct to change into something closer to truly progressive learning environments. As I was reading…

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