4 Simple Ideas To Use Technology To Engage Students
If we want to use technology to engage our students, it should have a purpose and amplify their learning experiences and potential.
If we want to use technology to engage our students, it should have a purpose and amplify their learning experiences and potential.
When students finish early, help them by naturally funneling them toward extending and improving the work they’ve already done.
From getting feedback from field experts to using project-based learning, here are 12 ideas to make learning more like the ‘real world.’
The genesis of a great project is the idea itself — we’re providing you with 50 smart ideas for project-based learning in your classroom.
Make any politician voting on legislation have to qualify for that right to vote by spending a certain number of hours in the classroom.
Grading essays can be extremely time-consuming. Here are 12 smart–and simple–ideas to grade essays faster.
Since many boys do not read teacher-privileged literary fiction texts at home, many of them classify themselves as non-readers.
This list includes 20 (mostly) simple things you can do (relatively) quickly to become a better teacher in the 21st century.
We developed a taxonomy to provide a schema of prompts that could be used by students and teachers to hone their reflective thinking skills.
Just like a great teacher can teach anything, a great learner can learn from almost anything–and teachers are first learners.
When helping students design projects, I provide these kinds of prompts to help students see how texts, apps, and more can all work together.
Poetry gets a bad rap for being too dense and pretentious. Try these strategies to help students who hate poetry warm up to its magic.
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