10 Digital Citizenship Hashtags To Join The Conversation

10 Digital Citizenship Hashtags To Join The Conversation

As we’ve theorized before, we could consider the definition of digital citizenship as “The quality of habits, actions, and consumption patterns that impact the ecology of digital content and communities.” One very natural and accessible way to see that kind of thinking in action is twitter. In contrast to relatively closed social media platforms like…

Digital Project-Based Learning: 7 Tools for Student Collaboration

Digital Project-Based Learning: 7 Tools for Student Collaboration

Seven Tools For Student Collaboration In Digital PBL by Rob Sabo Education today often requires extensive collaboration between students and faculty. Team assignments are an excellent way to improve learning and help students develop the communication tools necessary to thrive in the workplace. Choosing the right tools for small group collaboration is crucial for facilitating…

The Definition Of Global Learning

What Is The Definition Of Global Learning? Globalization. Definitely not a high-interest topic. For every person reading this quick preview, probably 18 more skimmed right past, busy trying to survive right here, right now. This makes sense. Even when it does get attention, it is often bursting with rhetoric and emotion—discussed in tones of enthusiasm…

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