how great teaching and learning grows

How Great Teaching And Learning Grow Under The PBL Umbrella

Growing Great Teaching And Learning Under The PBL Umbrella Framework contributed by Drew Perkins “You mean I have to throw out all the work that I’ve done to refine my teaching over the years?” Our PBL workshop facilitators hear this question, or something similar, with regularity and the answer is, NO! We certainly understand the nervousness…

A Great Tool For Planning Global & Collaborative Project-Based Learning

A Great Tool For Planning Global & Collaborative Project-Based Learning

A Great Tool For Planning Global & Collaborative Project-Based Learning  by TeachThought Staff From a press release WASHINGTON, DC—January 12, 2016— How do the traits of hummingbirds, geckos, and other animals help scientists design robots?  What can bird’s nest soup tell you about Chinese culture? How do images, color and text work together to communicate ideas that can change…

Project-Based Learning: Inside The Life Of A Project

Project-Based Learning: Inside The Life Of A Project

Project-Based Learning: Inside The Life Of A Project by Terry Heick At some point, I saw “the life of a project” diagram on pinterest, and thought it did a brilliant job of capturing the emotion of teaching and learning through projects. So I took the idea, attributed to Maureen McHugh, and applied it to education. You…

Digital Project-Based Learning: 7 Tools for Student Collaboration

Digital Project-Based Learning: 7 Tools for Student Collaboration

Seven Tools For Student Collaboration In Digital PBL by Rob Sabo Education today often requires extensive collaboration between students and faculty. Team assignments are an excellent way to improve learning and help students develop the communication tools necessary to thrive in the workplace. Choosing the right tools for small group collaboration is crucial for facilitating…

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