If A Child Is Off-Task…

If A Child Is Off-Task…

If A Child Is Off-Task… by TeachThought Staff Quick-hitting thought someone sent to us via email recently that resonated with us: If a child is off-task, perhaps the problem is not the child but the task –Alfie Kohn If a child is off task, perhaps the problem is not the child but the task –Alfie…

5 Strategies For Engaging The Netflix Generation

5 Strategies For Engaging The Netflix Generation

5 Strategies For Engaging Students With Video by James Cross Online video is taking the world by storm, and today’s students are the biggest consumers of online video content — they’re the ‘Netflix Generation’. These students have grown up in a world where video is available instantly, on-demand, and on any device. Combined with the…

Engaging In Isolation: Student Engagement In A Flipped Classroom

Engaging In Isolation: Student Engagement In A Flipped Classroom

Engaging In Isolation: Student Engagement in a Flipped Classroom by Tridib Roy Chowdhury, Senior Director, Products, Adobe Systems This is part 2 of the series “Responsive Teaching For A Changing World,” a 3-part series is sponsored by Adobe Presenter 9. The Flipped Classroom model allows every student to learn at their own pace, with the rewind button of…

27 Ways To Respond When Students Don't Pay Attention

27 Ways To Respond When Students Don’t Pay Attention

How Can You Respond When Students Don’t Pay Attention? Our initial reaction when seeing the following infographic from Mia MacMeekin was to think about instructional design rather than classroom management. That is, work backwards from a student-centered, inquiry-based, self-directed, and inherently personalized learning model where students, while plugged in to relevant digital and physical communities and working…

What To Tell The Graduating Class Of 2013

A Message To The Graduating Class Of 2013 You’re graduating, which means school—the formal and academic portion of your learning experience–is over. You’re going to be hit with a lot of questions, either about college or a “job,” mostly from well-intentioned adults trying to make conversation or throw in their two cents. So here’s my…

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