Thermonuclear Art: 30 Minutes Of Solar Flares At 4K Resolution

Thermonuclear Art: 30 Minutes Of Solar Flares At 4K Resolution

Thermonuclear Art: 30 Minutes Of Solar Flares At 4K Resolution by TeachThought Staff NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory is one of the less well-known NASA resources. SDO is “the first mission to be launched for NASA’s Living With a Star (LWS) Program, a program designed to understand the causes of solar variability and its impacts on Earth.”…

‘With-It’ Teacher Pranks Students With Spelling Quiz

Watch This ‘With-It’ Teacher Pranks Students With Spelling Quiz by TeachThought Staff While education is a serious endeavor, that doesn’t mean we can’t–at times–take ourselves too seriously. Which is what makes the following story that’s gone viral on twitter so much fun. Michigan teacher Joe Dombrowski recently gave his 4th-grade students a spelling quiz, but it wasn’t…

They Put A GoPro On A Balloon That Went To The Stratosphere

They Put A GoPro On A Balloon That Went To The Stratosphere by TeachThought Staff Want to hear an amazing story involving 3D printers, hikers, the atmosphere, and more than a little bit of luck? From the original reddit post: “The whole project took myself and four friends a couple months of planning. We almost canceled…

A Man Got Annoyed And Dug A Cave

When a person brings craft, motivation, and affection to bear on an idea, incredible things are possible. This is an idea we, as educators, try to impart to students. The success of this depends on whether or not they are ready for that kind of a message, and whether or not we’ve given them the…

A Watch That Counts From Your Death Backwards

A Watch That Counts From Your Death Backwards

A Watch That Counts From Your Death Backwards by TeachThought Staff Not sure if this is Capitalism doing its thing, or a potentially revolutionary way to look at time. Probably the former, but it gets your attention, yes?

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