Negative Social Media

Twitter vs Facebook: Competing For Your Time

The landscape of social media changes almost too quickly to talk about, but there are trends that are worth a look, especially in regards to % of users, and time spent invested per visit, and daily. Twitter and facebook are decidedly different networks, so they really aren’t competitors in a strict sense, but being as though…

Improve Your Craft: The 20 Best Books About EdTech Today

Improve Your Craft: The 20 Best Books About EdTech Today

These days, it’s almost impossible to be an educator without implementing some kind of technology in the classroom. From blogging to educational games to online tracking tools, there are numerous tools that educators can take advantage of to cater to an increasingly tech-savvy group of learners. But not everyone knows just how to do that…

100 Scientists On Twitter By Category

While scientists may have a reputation for being anti-social, when it comes to using social media you’ll find the best and brightest in diverse scientific fields taking full advantage of the chance to connect with laymen and other scientists alike. Twitter is full of opportunities to hear what these scientists have to say, follow their…

18 Innovative Uses Of QR Codes

Quick Response codes, popularly known as QR codes, are popping up everywhere from the center of Iron Man’s suit to bottles of wine. Basically a barcode, when scanned, QR codes link to something on the web, from ads to videos and music to surveys. Despite the fact that many young people currently say they’re not likely to scan…

How QR Codes In The Classroom Can Empower Student Voices

Your Quick-Guide To Using QR Codes In Education

These funny looking checkerboards are cropping up everywhere – at zoos and in museums, in books, on airline tickets and driver’s licenses, on product packaging and store displays, online, and even in classrooms. They are rapidly replacing the standard old zebra stripe barcodes familiar since the 1970s and their popularity is due in part to…

ipad on transparent background

Your Visual Intro To Teaching With Tablets

Tablets–iPads, Nexus 7s, Kindles, and even Intel’s Studybook–can be powerful learning tools, offering: 1. Alternative to print books  2. Mobile learning actuators 3. Interactive media displays 4. Potential for “BYOD-familiarity” And perhaps the most powerful argument? 77% of college students believe that tablets greatly enhance the learning experience. Times they are a’ changin’. Below is…

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