The Top 10 Users On Pinterest

The Top 10 Users On Pinterest

Who Are The Top 10 Users On Pinterest? It’s not entirely clear what makes pinterest users tick. Images are curated into often gorgeous collections, with users spending hours on end to meticulously maintain their collections. For users, does it function as a kind of visual social bookmarking, an engaging way to daydream, or something in…

Ken Robinson: There’s A Difference Between Cars & Kids

There’s A Difference Between Cars & Kids Ken Robinson probably doesn’t need an introduction for most of you. Eloquent and inspirational speaker obsessed with creativity, school improvement, and the concept of each person finding their “element” in life. Of course, industrialized forms of learning, while trying extremely hard to uncover the gifts in every learner,…

Writer-Fight: The 10 Best Put-Downs in Literary History

A List Of The Best Literary Put-Downs There is a kind of unwritten rule among writers that you don’t criticize colleagues’ work too harshly, because they understand just how hard it is to produce great pieces. And yet, over the years handfuls of famous writers have taken huge exceptions to this rule, often with harsh…

A Quick Primer On Charter Schools

A Quick Primer On Charter Schools

A one-size-fits-all approach has never worked in education, and the variety of school options available today attests to that fact. While a number of private schools specialize in specific content or teaching approaches, the costs can be prohibitive to most parents. Charter schools have been rapidly multiplying throughout the country, offering students and families private-school-quality…

This Is What A 2,000 Year-Old Lecture Hall Looks Like

This Is What A 2,000 Year-Old Lecture Hall Looks Like

Here’s What A 2,000 Year-Old Lecture Hall Looks Like Kom el Dikka, a 2nd century AD Roman amphitheater in Alexendria, Egypt, allowed for an audience of up to 800 people, and hosted lecture theater performances, and even wrestling events. There is also speculation that it might’ve been a full-fledged university. Its excavation began in the…

10 Of The Youngest College Students Of All Time

10 Of The Youngest College Students Of All Time by TeachThought Staff For most of us, conquering the classes it takes to get a college degree is hard enough at 18, but for some, higher education much. As amazing as it is, some kids are ready to take it all on before they’ve even hit…

A Quick Thought On Globalizing Education

Thoughts On Globalizing Education by Terry Heick While ideas of “dissolving borders” and “creating transparency” are tempting, accessible, and powerful, the world is a big place; true globalization will force already divergent cultures to confront one another anew—and to do so in the face of complex challenges for which there may be no “solutions.” True…

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