11 Steps Of Effective Project-Based Learning In A Blended Classroom

Student-to-Material Interaction: Effective PBL Learning In The Online Or Blended Classroom In part 1 of this 6-part series, Thomas Stanley looked at an overview of blended learning, specifically the critical interactions of a blended learning model. In part 2, he looked specifically at student-to-student interaction, and the reality of synchronous and asynchronous access. In part 3, he looked at…

Invisible Learning: An Archetype For A New Ecology Of Education

Invisible Learning: An Archetype For A New Ecology Of Education

Invisible Learning: An Archetype For A New Ecology Of Education by TeachThought Staff In moving from traditional, tightly-bound direct instruction to something almost entirely self-directed and open, Invisible Learning almost sounds like a joke. It’s about as far from the current definition of “school” as you can get: Always-on learning–not scheduled into neat little categories, but…

The Definition Of Global Learning

What Is The Definition Of Global Learning? Globalization. Definitely not a high-interest topic. For every person reading this quick preview, probably 18 more skimmed right past, busy trying to survive right here, right now. This makes sense. Even when it does get attention, it is often bursting with rhetoric and emotion—discussed in tones of enthusiasm…

The Impact Of Creativity On The Brain

by Judy Willis M.D., M.Ed., radteach.com The Impact Of Creativity On The Brain The current theme of the critical role of the arts in providing students with a well-rounded education that meets the needs of the whole child promotes thoughts about how the arts can “increase students’ college-, career-, and citizenship-readiness in all subjects as well as keep them engaged…

Creating The 21st Century Brain For 21st Century Learning

The 21st Century Brain For 21st Century Learning In the video below, Judy Willis explores how we might create a “21st century brain” by with a little bit of neuroscience, specifically the “executive function of the brain. Willis offers up an analogy of this executive function as the brain’s CEO, and uses that as a…

Teacher Planning Doesn’t Have To Stifle Creativity In Schools

by Grant Wiggins, Authenticeducation A recent query via Twitter asked a question we often hear: isn’t UbD (or any planning process) antithetical to such approaches as project-based learning and inquiry-based learning, since you can’t and shouldn’t plan for an unknown serendipitous result? More generally, isn’t there something faintly oppressive and hampering of creativity in such…

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