5 Ways To Use Pokemon Go For Critical Learning

5 Ways To Use Pokemon Go For Critical Learning

How To Use Pokemon Go For Critical Learning by TeachThought Staff So I guess we should discuss this Pokemon thing, huh? While it may well end up being the twenty-teens version of disco halls and parachute pants, for now–as a trend–its urgent and fierce. Last week, I noticed what I assumed to be a small…

This War Of Mine Is On Sale For $2.99 For A Limited Time

This War Of Mine Is On Sale For $2.99 For A Limited Time

This War Of Mine Is On Sale For $2.99 For A Limited Time by TeachThought Staff This War of Mine, a game about the inhumanity of war and featured recently on 14 Games That Tackle Serious Social Issues, is currently on sale at a pretty steep discount–$2.99 (regularly priced at $14.99). From the store page, some…

A Game That's Actually A Kind Of Hacking Simulator

A Game That’s Actually A Kind Of Hacking Simulator

A Game That’s Actually A Kind Of Hacking Simulator by TeachThought Staff From a press release; Grade Level: 9-12+ A version of a PC game that has players fill the shoes of a computer hacker is being developed for use as a training tool in schools and workplaces. Hacknet was released in August 2015 and has already…

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