How I Took Control Over My Own Professional Development

How To Take Control Over Your Professional Development or ‘The Real World Masters In Education’ by John Otterstedt Every so often, someone would tell me that I should get another degree. The reason was always the same – I would  move up the salary guide. I wanted to move up the salary guide, yet at…

The Basics Of Reflective Teaching: A Slo-Blog Approach

The Basics Of Reflective Teaching: A Slo-Blog Approach

What Are The Basics Of Reflective Teaching? by Beth Leidolf As the school year kicks off, many classes, teachers and students begin with the basics, those building blocks that provide a firm foundation upon which more valuable learning and growing will take place. With that in mind, the #reflectiveteacher community gets back to basics in…

A Teacher's Guide For Creating A School Twitter Chat

A Teacher’s Guide For Creating A School Twitter Chat

How To Create A Twitter Chat In Your School by Nellie Mitchell A twitter chat is an amazing resource for professional development and gives educators the option to participate in their PJs, from the comfort of their own home! It is essentially a chat room, with everyone sharing and talking and hanging out virtually—discussing learning…

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